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We are proud to announce that this month’s Reward for Effort is our very own star tennis coach & long-running member, G!

She has been a part of the CrossFit Innovation community for several years and has continued to show her dedication to developing her fitness.

Recently, G accomplished a significant goal of hers, one that she’s been eyeing off for years now; to complete the renowned workout “Murph” Rx. Those of us who have taken on that workout, Rx or scaled, know just how gruelling of a workout it is, along with the mental challenge that it presents. Aware of the task she had ahead of her, G took on the challenge and pushed through the many moments of doubt & discomfort.

The “Murph” challenge was a special day and seeing so many of our wonderful members & athletes supporting G in the final minutes of that

workout made for a truly remarkable moment.

In addition to her dedication to training, G also understands the importance of nutrition and has her diet well & truly dialled in. Being able to adequately fuel her body with the right nutrients has undoubtedly played a significant role in her regular progress & performance.

G, we want you to know how incredibly proud we are of your accomplishments and your ability to face the inevitable challenges that life (and CrossFit) throws at you & keep showing up – ready to take it on!

Keep it up!

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